Turbo Repairs

Our Services

Turbo repairs are a excellent way to save money to get your car back on the road as quickly and cheaply as possible. Provided the turbo company has a balancing machine and flow rig to test the repair once the work has been completed.
Our Turbo Balancing Machine
As a professional turbo remanufacturer we can only advise our customers on the best course of action to help them strike a balance between quality and value for money, To ensure we give our customers the best possible service we only use Melett turbo components in our repairs. A typical Melett repair kit is shown below and as you will see it is quite comprehensive.
We change everything inside the turbine unit and not just the faulty components , this means that all the components are of the same age and will all last a similiar time.
All our repairs are accompanied by a balancing report to prove that the work has been carried out to a professional standard.
Repair Kit
Typical Melett Repair Kit Components
However a typical turbine unit has many other components that could also be damaged and this is always the unknown element which can make the price of the repair go up. To help ensure that a repair price will not get out of hand we set a ceiling on the price of a repair. If we see that a turbo repair will cost more than the price of a remanufactured turbo then we will always advise you and let you decide.
Other Components that Comprise a Turbo CHRA
It is important to note that not all turbos can be repaired and the cost of the repair can go up if there is more damage than was initially thought, this is not something uniquie to us but to all turbo companies.Weather they decide replica rolex to make you aware of this from the begining or not is a a different matter.
Book a Turbo repair!
You can book a turbo repair with us confident in the knowledge that we will provide you with a honest and professional service
You can call us on 01279-817451 to discuss your requirements and to get a quote or you can send us a email to Email Us
Be Aware!
There exists in the turbo remanufacturing marketplace many companies who do not possess the necessary equipment nor the experience to provide a product that will last more than a few months, Some are no more than garages who do this on the side whilst others operate from their garden sheds / garages. Please satisfy yourself that the company you choose is genuine before getting ripped off.